
What is an au pair

Au pairs are young adults, between the ages of 18 and 26, who come to the United States from countries all around the world, to live with American families and provide childcare services, all while offering and receiving a first-hand cultural experience.  In hosting an au pair, the au pair becomes an older sibling/extended member of the family, of whom host parents can depend on and trust for their childcare needs.  Each au pair must:

  • have documented childcare experience
  • pass a physical exam administered by a medical doctor
  • have earned the equivalent of at least a high school diploma
  • pass a criminal background check
  • demonstrate English proficiency
  • have a current driver’s license from their home country
In addition to childcare duties in the U.S, au pairs must also earn at least 6 college credits per year while in the U.S. and may register for any coursework of their choosing.


What is a host family?

A host family, in the United States au pair program, is a family who participates in a cultural exchange program by welcoming a young person from a foreign country into their home.  Host parents must be United States citizens OR permanent U.S. legal residents and must be fluent English speakers.  Host families provide their au pair with a private bedroom (bathroom can be shared), 3 meals per day and a weekly stipend of at least $195.75 in exchange for childcare and a mutual cultural exchange experience.  The host family helps the au pair immerse themselves into American life and culture by involving them in some of the family’s routines, but also respecting their au pair’s free time.  To be a host family is to provide an au pair with assistance in tasks such as applying for a Social Security card, opening a bank account, obtaining a U.S. driver’s license, assistance with registering for classes at the local community college, etc. 

The Department of State requires au pairs to earn at least 6 college credits for each year they are au pairs in the USA.  Host families are financially responsible for up to $500 of the au pair’s education expenses while in the U.S.  Depending on where in the United States the host family lives, the 6-credit hour requirement can often be accomplished for less than the maximum $500 through local community colleges.


Program Overview

Choosing the right childcare for your family is not an easy task.  Premier Au Pair is a professional agency, approved by the U.S. Department of State, dedicated to matching American host families with experienced, loving and caring au pairs.  Whether you have one child or multiples, a newborn, toddler, preschooler or school-aged child/children, our goal is to ensure you find the right au pair to meet your family’s unique needs. 

Your family will have the option of flexible scheduling as well as the opportunity to enjoy a cultural exchange experience, all from the comfort and safety of your own home—options that are unavailable with a typical daycare.  As parents of young children ourselves, we at Premier Au Pair understand the importance of safety and trust when it comes to your most precious gifts: your children.  Therefore, each Premier Au Pair candidate must pass an extensive screening and selection process, overseen personally by our CEO, before being selected to participate in Premier Au Pair’s au pair program.  Each selected candidate has previous childcare experience, CPR and First Aid certification, and a strong desire to be a member of an American family for at least one year.


Au Pair Schedule

Premier Au Pair’s program includes up to 45 hours (no more than 10 hours per day) of flexible, live-in childcare per week.  The hours can be utilized during the day, the evenings, a combination split shift, and/or weekends.  The working hours are flexible, as long as the schedule stays within the maximum 45 hours per week established by the Department of State.  Overnight hours are not covered with the au pair program and any unused hours in a week may not be added to subsequent weeks.  Au pairs receive two weeks of paid vacation per year, at least one full weekend off per month and 1.5 consecutive days off per week.  The au pair schedule is something your family should discuss with potential au pairs during the interview process and before your au pair’s arrival to the U.S. 


Program Cost

The program fees and au pair stipend are the same whether you have one child or more.  In general, our fees normally average out to be less than what you would pay in daycare fees.  When your family matches with an au pair candidate, we handle all the details:  visa sponsorship, airfare, insurance, pre-arrival orientation, post-arrival orientation, and local support to both your family and your selected au pair for the duration of the match. 


The Process

  1. Register online—this is your opportunity to tell us about the members of your family and your childcare needs.
  2. Complete your family’s profile—anyone in the home who is 18 or over criminal background check and an in-home interview before matching.
  3. Interview prospective au pairs.
  4. Choose your au pair and await his/her arrival!